Datev My Tax

German Tax Declaration

You work in Germany and live in another European State? We help you filing your German tax declaration. For ten years I help European employees that are required to file a tax declaration in Germany.

steuerberatung naumburg


Your Advantages

Easy to use

Save and easy uploading tax documents to Datev My Tax during the year – no documents that have to be send by e-mail or mail

Meet all deadlines

All tax office mail runs through my office, so no deadlines will be missed while you are at home

Flexible Communication

Flexible ways of communication: personal at a place of your choice or via video chat and conference call

Learn how to use Datev My Tax


We support you on site or digital

If you are interested, contact us via phone or mail. We are happy to answer your request soon.

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Herrenstraße 2, 06618 Naumburg (Saale)

+49 3445 27010

Opening Hours

Mo - Do 8:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 16:00
Fr 8:00 - 12:00
and by arrangement